We enjoy sharing our lifestyle with our family, friends, and others. So COME ON OUT and "let's get on with it". You only have an opportunity to live once. For those of you who do not choose to get away, feel free to travel vicariously via this blog.

This is primarily a blog of photographs, of our travels. Our blogging time is limited by our activities, so we figure a photograph is worth a thousand words. You may click on the photos to enlarge them.

There is only one Post per page. You can access earlier posts by clicking on the link below and to the right, or by going to the "Archive".

The "Relevant Links" will take you to sites showing our current location, the weather conditions that we are experiencing, some of our favorite ports of call, and information related to our boat. When using the SPOT link, to see where we are, click on "satellite" tab to get a photo of the area (takes a while to load).

If you must have more then you may also follow the links to our "Earlier Blogs".

Enjoy, Philip & Sharon

Monday, July 15, 2013

Red Bay, Labrador

Saturday, July 6th, 3013

We finally decided to take a chance and tuck "Evergreen" in behind the Red Bay wharf:

Our neighbors:

Chris, a native of Red Bay, gave an excellent tour of the National Park at Red Bay. (He could have been the brother of another Chris we know well.)

The wreck of the "Bernier" (an out-port supply vessel) with Red Bay in the back ground:

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