These are the wharfs at Port Aux Basques:
A bit of history:
(You can click on the photos in order to enlarge the writing)
This is Brainard Blackmore (mentioned above). We were totally amazed the first time we met him. He is a fine example of the friendly and welcoming spirit of most Newfoundlanders. He visits every "boat from away" and offers rides for provisions or fuel, or just sits and chats for a while. Now we look forward to seeing him each time that we visit Port Aux Basques. If you see him, make sure you give him our best.
Later in the day, the weather changes and there is nothing to be seen outside the harbor entrance except fog.
But the wind is favorable for our passage across the Cabot Strait to Nova Scotia so we head out as the day comes to a close. The wharfs look empty as we leave, but hopefully this is only because there is no fishing right now.
As we exit the harbor we see the ferry, that goes between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
Goodbye Newfoundland --- Until next time:
As we pass the breakwater we melt into the pea soup fog --- Oh boy, this is going to be fun being that our radar is broken.
(Click on link to "Older Posts" just below and to right to get to next set of photos.)