Thursday, July 18th, 2013
Today we leave the town of Englee behind:
Now, here is something that is hard to believe: These folks are harvesting ice from an iceberg, to be used in the making of "Iceberg Vodka". We find it rather amazing that anyone thought of the idea, and also that people are willing to pay the price for such "premium" vodka. They also bottle the water for sale, in addition to selling it to some beer breweries. We met one of the fellows from the ship and he told us they travel the coasts of both Newfoundland and Labrador in search of the ancient ice.
The west shore of White Bay:
Once again the White Sided Dolphins found us and jumped for joy as they swam along with us as we cruised along the shore of White Bay:
A frontal system approaching from the east, a rather unusual direction:
Approaching the Baie Verte peninsula:
Humpback whales feeding on Caplin. They rise to the surface rapidly in order to force the mouthfuls of fish down their throats.
Approaching Fleur De Lys Harbour:
The winds calm as the nearly full moon comes up over the harbor, as the sun sets:
Evening sights at Fleur De Lys Harbour:
Dried Caplin ready for the grill:
(Click on link to "Older Posts" just below and to right to get to next set of photos.)